Thursday, July 29, 2010

Running Report

I felt horrible when I woke up today. So, in crazy Nadia style, I got mad at my own uselessness and made myself go to the gym, where I proceeded to kick my own ass for half an hour.

I really thought I wouldn't make it through today; I kept thinking "I'm never going to make it, I'm never going to make it..."


Whatevs. I made my body do it anyway. I'll show you, body! Just for the whining, I'll make you do sprints!

Sprints are great. I did three: one at 10 min, 15 min and 20 min, one minute each followed by one minute of walking.

Upshot to sprinting: shoots up the adrenaline and then makes the running feel eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy afterwards.

Distance 2.52 km
Time: 30 min
Velocity: 5 km/h

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