Sunday, February 14, 2010

Exercise -- Back to the Gym

Today I went to the gym!


I have to confess, dear friends, that I more often talk about going to the gym than I actually go. But not today -- today, I went.

I think it can be really hard for me to care about my body. But this week, not caring about my body almost lost me something very close to my heart. So today, yes today, I went.

Most people don't know this about me, but I live with a huge anxiety problem. Most days it's cranked up to about a 7 or 8 (on that arbitrary doctor scale from 1 to 10). After my 30 minutes on the elliptical machine -- which spent the whole time yelling at me to slow down -- I felt like I was back down to a 2 or 3. I was even able to make progress on another front -- but more about that tomorrow.

Because today? Today I ran 2k and left my worries behind.